Sunday 2 May 2021

"Master Of Dorks" By CactusSmasher (18+ Gore/Abuse warning)

It was half-past midnight by the time Edd finally rang the doorbell to Kevin’s house. The young teen had been acutely aware of Kevin’s insistence on meeting up in the cloak of night. His jaw was still sore from the jock’s previous punishment. After a few moments, the door creaked open, and Kevin’s face peeked out through the crack, eyes searching furtively for any passerby. Satisfied that no one was watching, the boy waved Double D in.

“Hello, Kevin,” Double D said as he was hurried into the living room. “It’s really very good to see you again. I couldn’t stop thinking about you-”

“Shut up, dork.” Earlier, the jock had informed Edd through text message that his parents would be gone for the night, so they had as much time as they wanted. Kevin just liked getting straight to the point. He shoved Edd through the hallway, toward his bedroom, tossing him unceremoniously on the bed.

“Strip for me, dork.”

Double D nodded. “Yes, Kevin.”

Before he could begin removing his clothes, however, he was struck by the back of Kevin’s hand, knocking his face into the mattress. The nerd sat up, nursing his welted cheek, looking into Kevin’s eyes with perplexed sadness.

“Wrong! What’s my name, dork?”

Casting his eyes downward in dog-like deference, Double D muttered, “Forgive me, Master.”

“Good boy. Now strip.”

Keeping his eyes averted, Double D slowly began unbuttoning his shirt, making sure to pull the fabric off of him slowly, letting it brush his skin softly as Kevin looked on. He wanted to do his best for his Master, he wanted to turn him on. In his peripheral vision he could see the jock beginning to grope the growing lump in his shorts, an eager smile crawling up the side of his face.

Soon, Double D had removed all of his clothes, the entirety of his accoutrements now laying in a pile next to the bed. All but his trademark black beanie, still firmly attached to his head. The boy felt so vulnerable, so helpless as Kevin ate up his naked body with his eyes. And yet there was a twinge of excitement there, too. Excitement at being treated like a beautiful sculpture, a piece of art to be admired. The nerd found his own member stiffening as he glanced up at Kevin’s grimacing face.

With a nod of approval, Kevin threw his red cap off to the side and said, “You’re being a good dog so far. Now jerk it. I want to see you touch that pasty dork cock of yours.”

They had both been through this routine before, but neither of them minded. In this god-forsaken suburb, where summers were hotter than Hell and the only thing to do was eat jawbreakers, this little slice of sexual excitement was the most satisfying thing that either of them could experience. Edd did as his Master asked, wrapping his fingers around his erect dick, stroking slowly at first, and then speeding up as his body began to give in to the pleasure.

“I’ll be right back, dork,” Kevin said as he moved for the door. “Keep stroking. If you cum before I get back then I’ll make you pay.”

This was easier said than done, Edd did not have much experience with holding back his cum, but over the past few months Kevin had been an excellent teacher, conditioning him to equate early orgasm with pain. The young nerd still had some scars on his chest and legs from where Kevin had cut him, and another wound that was still scabbed over. Edd tried to focus on his Master’s happiness as he continued to jerk off, thinking about how proud Kevin would be if he was able to do as he said.

The strategy was a successful one, Edd held back orgasm long enough to see Kevin return. The jock had removed his street clothes and clad himself in an elaborate S&M outfit, with leather chaps and a leather harness, all the same green color as his normal shirt. His skin was tanned from all those summer days spent out in the sun, and his body was taut and hard from all of the physical activity the jock devoted himself to. Edd was smitten with him, he could almost see a celestial light emanating from behind the boy as he continued stroking, faster this time, an unconscious attempt to please his Master. In his hands Kevin held a large, black, spiked leather collar, with a long chain trailing off of it.

“It’s time to chain you up like the dog you are, dork. Do you wanna be my dog?”

Edd dropped to all fours, nodding his head feverishly. “Yes, Master.”

“If you wanna be my dog, you gotta do what I say.”

“I’ll do whatever you want, Master. A good dog obeys.”

Kevin smirked. “You’re right.” The jock clipped the collar around Edd’s neck and jerked him closer with the chain. “And the first thing I want you to do is suck my dick.”

The chaps that Kevin wore had an opening in the front that was meant to be locked with a metal clasp, but now the front hung open, revealing Kevin’s tumescent, purple-headed leviathan, ready and waiting for Edd’s eager mouth. The nerd wasted no time, wrapping his soft pink lips around the throbbing dick. The member was warm and the flesh was soft, prompting Edd to suck eagerly, as if he was enjoying a particularly delicious popsicle.

“Ahhh…,” Kevin moaned, “That’s a good dog. You can’t get enough of your treats, can you, slut?”

The jock began pumping in and out of Double D’s mouth, pushing his cock all the way to the back of Edd’s throat. Before these late-night excursions, Edd would have gagged and possibly vomited, as he had done many times before, but Kevin’s beatings had taught him well, and now he barely elicited an uncomfortable grunt as the thick member thrusted to and fro. A little bit of saliva dripped out of the corners of Edd’s mouth, but he dutifully took the dick.

After a brief moment, the jock began to slow his rhythm. He looked down at Double D and said, “There’s somethin’ I forgot to tell you, dork. I didn’t get a chance to take a piss before you got here. I hope you’re ready to be my human toilet, slut.”

Edd didn’t say anything, he just kept sucking like he was supposed to. A warm sensation passed through the jock’s dick and Double D Kevin’s urethra bulge as yellow liquid waste began releasing into his mouth. The golden elixir was salty and hot, and Edd savored every drop as Kevin fucked and pissed into his mouth hole.

But there was no reprieve for the nerd as Kevin’s piss stream began to subside, as Kevin then chimed in with, “I love seeing you drink my piss like that, dork. Your present is on its way. Get ready for it.”

Another hot liquid spurted its way into Edd’s mouth, filling him to the brim with spunk. A few small drops dribbled out of the sides of his mouth, but otherwise the nerd swallowed with efficiency, only coughing once. Unfortunately, once was enough for Kevin to pull his meat rod out of Edd and slap him across the face with it.

“Not good enough, dork.”

Kevin grabbed the chain, pulling Edd up by it, not caring whether or not the nerd was being choked, and tossed him onto the bed, ass in the air. The jock grabbed Edd’s asscheeks and roughly rubbed his saliva and cum-soaked cock against his asshole.

“Time to get punished. If you had been a good dog I might’ve fucked you slow. Now you’re getting fucked hard whether you want to or not, dork.”

With no warning and no lubricant, Kevin violently shoved himself into Edd’s tight hole, eliciting a pained yelp from the nerd. He hadn’t shit that day, per Kevin’s request, which made it hard for him to accept Kevin’s flesh pole. Double D could almost feel his shit being pushed back up into his large intestine. The jock then began thrusting in and out of his pink starfish, the sound of slapping skin punctuating every thrust of Kevin’s body.

White-hot pain seared Edd’s insides, but he wasn’t angry at Kevin. This was what he deserved, all he wanted was to be a good dog, a good fuck toy, and he had failed. He should be thankful that this was all that Kevin was going to do to him. After a few minutes of pained fucking, Edd felt his colon give out, and mounds of thick, runny feces shot out of his asshole, painting Kevin’s dick brown. The jock kept thrusting and said, “That’s what I like to see, dork.”

Kevin pulled Edd closer to him, turning him around to face him. He then pushed his shit and cum-covered dick onto Edd’s face, smearing his cheeks and lips in his own shit. The nerd off-handedly noticed that there were flecks of blood mixed in with the shit, but he was content, knowing that he had received proper punishment. Gradually, Edd opened his mouth and let Kevin fill it with shit and blood.

“This is what you deserve, isn’t it, dork? Do you like it?”

Edd nodded vigorously, looking up into Kevin’s eyes with longing. Finally, Kevin blew one last load into Double D’s mouth, and this time the nerd swallowed obediently, with not a single drop exiting his lips. The smile that crossed Kevin’s face was ecstatic, and Edd’s master grabbed him roughly by his beanie. The jock ripped it off, revealing massive open wounds, scars, and tumorous growths where an operation to remove a conjoined twin had been botched many years ago, and Kevin saved his last spurt of cum for the open wound on Edd’s head, fertilizing his exposed brain with his seed.

“Good job, dork. You did good.”

Edd bowed, prostrating himself before Kevin as if he was royalty. “Thank you, Master. My only job in life is to please you.”

“You did. But… sorry, dork. You’re not useful to me anymore.”

With that, Kevin pulled a thick hunting knife out from a pocket in his chaps and rammed it through Edd’s throat. The nerd’s face was beset with a look of total shock before the life left him, along with the geyser of blood that now poured from the gash in his neck. The jock made quick work of Edd, cutting his head from his body and slicing the flesh from his head with surgical precision. It took several minutes, but Kevin soon wrested the flesh and sinew from the divorced head until there was nothing but a bloody wet skull in his hands.

Kevin stood up, admiring the empty sockets of the skull, still warm from Edd’s blood, and placed it upon his shelf, where he finally began preparing the ceremony to summon Azazel, the black demon king of Hell. The jock had been waiting for months to get Edd on his side, but this sacrifice would not be potent if he didn’t end Double D’s life as soon as he had sworn complete devotion to him. Demons relished feasting on love. Now, at long last, he could rid this wretched cul-de-sac of those dreaded Kanker sisters, and if Azazel willed it, he would rule the neighborhood alongside him. Kevin glanced over at the lifeless, headless body of Double D, examining the piles of soggy flesh that was once his face, and he smiled.

“Looks like you were good for something after all, dork.”