Sunday, 17 October 2021

Asus Laptop Update

I am still using that Asus laptop I got a few posts ago but I have decided to move to Ubuntu Budgie just for a change, I have to say I really love the Budgie desktop environment
I have been using this laptop as a sort of "travel" daily driver, that is to say when i work away from my office or travel out of town for bigger jobs (I am in construction so i go out of town for certain repair and construction jobs)
Mostly it's communication over email and messengers the office use, the webcam kind sucks but it does the job for chatting with the office and team leaders. Most of the time if I have internet I will work from Google docs (preferred suite) but will keep files on the D drive and edit in Onlyoffice for offline stuff.

Neofetch Capture
Neofetch Capture for the nerds.
Budgie Desktop with a nice wallpaper I found online.

WINE runs all my old music software nicely!

Honestly there is not much else to say, I'm sure you can pick up an as cheap, if not cheaper laptop that might be more powerful that this Asus but I am happy with the experiment.