Wednesday 26 February 2014

Tales from the dark side 01

It's amazing to think how I spent many years after leaving school, granted I went straight into work rather than go to college and worked shortly as a computer repairman/salesman and this is usually how it works for most ex-students who venture into the big, wide world but in my last few years of school I fell in love with the music of the FCKN BSTRDS, Merzbow and notably Passenger Of Shit.

I present my first ever "Shitcore" album, Shitting Horses was a project me and another friend from school started to make awful music. We would sing and rap to horrible kids tunes we cranked out in FLStudio and we played very limited live shows at friends houses when we decided to do noise nights. for a very short time in Gainsborough there was a group of us making awful noise and porn art (not actual porn like MSPaint doodles with penises and poo). After getting let go from my job due to the economic flush (it was only a small shop anyway) I went full time making shitty music and sometimes nice music to keep myself fed.

I did this all up until 2 years ago when i had to start working for the sake of my Husband and our VISA but I still make music under the names Hitlerbuttsecks, ACK!!!, Man Outdoors and some other side projects.

Kind of a quick end i know but whatever, i'm currently trawling through some old photos so maybe they will get uploaded.