Friday 29 May 2015

Remembering this thing.

Fucking hell it's been nearly half a year since I last updated this blog but what with my Man Outdoors project having its own blog and the whole moving to the USA thing I kind of forgot about this.

I have sort of obtained my VISA over the last few months, did the interview and all that crap at the embassy and now I am just waiting on my VISA which was to be through in the last 2 weeks but the medical centre that processed my medical exam fucked things up massively and "forgot" to review and post of my medical history files...its a long story that's complicated to explain so I'll just say "very personal and private details about me sat on a desk for 2 weeks as the centre kept requesting the documents they already had" and who says private healthcare is bad?

I found some old pictures and videos again thanks to my old friend Grim who was kind enough to send them to me, we all want to keep everything we can archived to share with family and friends in the future, this is the age of technology and digital storage so lets embrace it. great memories like this wonderful video below from when we were teens ins school.

Sadly as I slowly near my 30's nothing seems to have changed.

Good times.