Tuesday 28 June 2016

Azzmation Video Archive

So tonight it dawned on me that I never actually posted a link to my Azzmation video archive, so here is a link to the YouTube page

https://goo.gl/CFq2aI (shortened for a better appearance)

This also give me and opportunity to post and talk about my favorite of these old videos and events that took place around the filming of these videos.

Pillow Man (2008) was filmed one summer day outside my house and down the end of the road, I had recently obtained my laptop from the previously posted about Carl Cooper (long story) where we found the music used in this video, a bit of thrashing around in the living room with a pillow case on our heads to the music and we decided to film the video on the spot. I was not and am still not an actor which shows in my awkwardness in this video. The black bar over my jacket pocket contained an American flag beanie baby which out of some bizzare dadaist humor we thought would be hilarious if it was on fire (note the wisps of smoke) but we blocked due to being worried about upsetting someone which now days is an easy feat.

If any video put Azzmation on the internet's "map" it was this one, Slightly more planned out, by which I mean we scribble a few notes on an old schoolbook and disregarded most of it due to editing limitations. Pokemins was my first attempt at mixing live action and animation with some serious effort. We made a sequel and then planned out a horror episode during the "lavender town syndrome" craze on the internet but never got a chance to film it.

I would do more but it's 3.11am as I type and probably should sleep, I will expand on this at some point.