Tuesday 29 March 2016

Oblivious and Carl

I may have spoken about this before on the blog but I don't really feel like back tracking to find out if I have and anything I may have written back then would have been done in haste and not well worded (like that end bit)

Oblivious.cc (real domain, check it its safe) is a website that has been promising a revolution since what it says is 2012 but I know personally has been promising the revolution since at least 2007 - 2008, I believe it may have had another domain extension but I can't remember it at this point and will probably have to look it up on archive when I have more free time.

So it was a website set up by some fellow I knew called Carl Cooper (or something else, that's how he was introduced to me but at that point of time he was a walking enigma who probably used many names) and his peers in happy hardcore music. I think the website was supposed to be a label of sorts or maybe a collective who DJ'd together at various illegal raves and warehouse events.

This story become more interesting as I had the pleasure of spending a week with Carl when I went to stay with a friend who was living in a hostel in central Lincoln, Lincolnshire, UK. Carl was someone I had been told a few stories about but I never truly believed them until I met the guy. A bedside drawer full to the brim with mixed drugs and such, sleeping with his headphones in as the looping end of a vinyl slowly wore away and endless messages about the magic circle and how we had to keep our eyes open for the rabbit. He would rave on constantly about his music, which I never got to hear and the plans to build an empire on house music foundations which was to become Oblivious.cc however despite all the advertising he did and money he poured into the project, the site and the event never ventured forward from a simple message telling you that a revolution was to come.

I would like to present you with some footage I took of Carl and his little friend who was also named Carl but I think was nicknamed "Poser Carl" or "Mini Me" due to his desire to mirror Cooper in every ways possible. I want to state that this isn't acting for the camera (although it may have influenced what he says somewhat) but it's merely a snapshot of his daily antics.

I don't know what happened to him or the others who lived in that hostel, I would love to know what he is up to and what his fellow musicians are doing now. will oblivious ever bring the revolution we were promise?