Monday 4 March 2019

Dump The Clutch - Your Picture

I can't remember if I posted this at all and don't feel like digging through my posts to see if I did.

Set the scene...

Its 2006, A year out of school me is sat at his PC animating some total garbage stop-motion about sex or gore...or possibly both, when I get a call on my shitty Nokia phone. It's my friend James and he's asking me about a music video for his band "Dump The Clutch". Now I'm only interested in animation at this point but offer to do some stuff for him. The band want to do a "studio shoot mixed with live footage" music video and I don't want to spent my week breathing in second hand weed fumes and sweating my fat ass off in a cramped studio so I offer to lend them some gear, A camcorder and a laptop with my video editing gear on it (Sony Vegas). They take the camera but nicely reject the laptop saying they can do it in studio. I think "Oh sweet they might have access to a decent editing setup" and tell them to have fun.

I get my camera back a few weeks later and none of the tapes I lent them, I didn't mind too much as I had bulk purchased a load of tapes but still, I lent them like 4 tapes and in 2006 they weren't cheap, and I did use the word "lend" but I brush it off "they just want to keep the tapes for memories, it has full live footage so I totally get it" and again move on.

A few weeks later I am made aware of the video being uploaded, I was slightly annoyed that I wasn't told by any of the band, I want to support my friends and again my gear was used so it would have been nice to tell me, I watch it and yeah...No credits or thanks, edited in Movie Maker and mostly myspace footage.

My early work is also cringe, my early music sucks fukcing dick and I'm glad my humor got slightly better but you still have to laugh.