Monday 5 August 2019

RIP Oblivious.CC

Here is the MP3 from the website.

I am pretty sure that no one who comes upon this blog has either heard of or cares about the website A static page with the smiling face picture above, it offered you a link to a free .MP3, an offer to sign up to a newsletter and a message "the revolution begins soon"  It never did as the website has gone down now.

I had the .MP3 but it was very bland and generic techno music, that's not a diss to anyone who likes that type of music that is just how it sounds to myself. I'm sure I have the track backed up on a HDD somewhere in my massive archive of "weird old internet material"

But Arron? whats the deal with such a site? who cares about a dead static page?

So I knew the guy, or at least one of the guys who was to run this site and set up its events, I actually filmed him back in the day for Azzmation. His name was Carl Cooper and he was the most bizarre human being I ever had the opportunity to meet. Carl was at least when I met him in the mid 2000's was very drugged up to the eyeballs on a cocktail of uppers, downers, trippers and all sorts. I stayed with him and my friend Grim in Lincoln, Lincolnshire, UK where I got to listen to thumping techno and breakcore throughout the night which he would pass out to and leaving playing on loop, unless it was a vinyl then we got to hear the loud repeat of the end loop popping and crackling into the wee hours of the morning.

When we would go to get him up, usually to run an errand or follow him on a drug run we got to see this tall, naked skinny raver pull open a bedside cabinet full of  mixed drugs which he would pick at seemingly randomly and ingest them all, washing them down with last nights stale beer.

He would rave in the middle of town to non existent music or maybe the sounds of rhythm he heard in the passersby walking and talking. He would tell us that he was on a quest to find the magic circle so the white rabbit could take him away to a land far better than ours. He was a living incarnation of Devvo, Tyers and possibly an early Logan Paul.

We never found out what happened to him in recent years, he just up and left one day and never came back. It was rumored among friends that he fell into the local river on a high and died, I hate that story and like to believe the magic rabbit finally came for him...or he's living in another town and has no fucking clue where he is.

I'll do a better write up at some point but anyway, RIP Oblivious, the revolution never came.